How Does It Feel to Be Liked Between Jobs?

Like Others – It Is Probably a Five Seconds Investment that can Help Another Human Being

In our world many of us are making a living and getting paid to contribute to organizations that we are part of.

Sometimes we are between jobs for shorter or longer periods of time. 

Such a period can feel very challenging – because in many parts of our world we need money in order to pay for our food, for our home and generally support our families – children, spouses and other members of our families. 

No matter our backgrounds being in a situation where we feel pressured is – in my view – psychologically challenging, an opportunity for personal growth and even in such a situation we might help others.

We might feel alone and overwhelmed – not liked by others – and stressed out because “in just a moment I cannot pay the rent, buy food and there is no hope”.

I have myself been between jobs a fair amount of times. 

The first times it did not feel good. Later times it did not feel good either, while it felt more like a challenge – in a more positive sense – something to be overcome and while doing so learning how to handle this “specific” situation.

If you can relate to this yourself – then maybe you remember the “I am all alone and not liked” feeling?

Can you imagine someone else feeling like that?

What you could chose as a heuristic, tiny habit or atomic habit is to invest less than five seconds of your time to click a “Like” button on social media if another human being is searching for a new job – for new opportunities to contribute, learn and grow.

Like others you probably like to be liked – especially when you could need a helping hand.

Mark J Chaudhry – 15 March 2021

Maybe your “like” will help someone else over a bump on their road?

Maybe we all share some degree of unity of purpose?

Thank you to all of you who liked me – when I needed it in between jobs.


Please note that with the intention of learning and for your possible convenience I have in some cases included direct links to sources (e.g. books in Kindle format from Amazon). This is not to promote these specific companies, and I do not have any financial / economic interest in any of the individuals or organizations providing the referenced content – with the exception of Tameflow where I do have some degree of financial / economic interest.

Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly (2013) – Flow: The Psychology of Happiness – Book

Frankl, Victor (1946) – Man’s Search for Meaning – Book

Unity of Purpose as defined in the Tameflow approach

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